Tracom’s Social Style
The Tracom SOCIAL STYLETM Model is a tool for understanding our basic behaviors and the impact we have on others. It is the most rigorously tested and practical approach for identifying and building interpersonal skills in business settings, with a nearly 50-year record of proven success.
Tracom's Social Style Model is based on the premise that understanding a person's preferred way of interacting allows other team members to increase their effectiveness with that person which will increase the likelihood of success of the whole team.
Similarly, Tracom's SOCIAL STYLE Model also uses four related constructs:
- Know Yourself: Know the impression you make on others, how your behavioral preferences can cause tension for others.
- Control Yourself: Learn to be tolerant of others behavior without becoming tense.
- Know Others: Observing others' behaviors to learn about their tension levels, how they respond to your messages, and what you can do to make the interaction more comfortable and effective.
- Do Something For Others: Once you know what makes another person comfortable, try to accommodate his/her preferences.
RGB Global has been certified to use Tracom's SOCIAL STYLE Model to help you build a cohesive and effective management team.